Feelin' Genki

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Attack of the Crab Monsters!

Well, not so much "attack" as "encounter." FYI, this post has nothing to do with the Roger Corman movie of the same name, I'm clearly just taking advantage of the exploitative title to captivate and titilate my readers. (And so I can say "titilate" more than once.)

The August long weekend at Miracle Beach.

The sun was sunny, the beach was sandy, the water was warm, and Milo was happy.

Then along came a crab. Poor critter, separated from the ocean by a sandbar... it didn't seem happy to see me. It's pretty cool how they dig themselves into the sand with their back legs.

Hey, let's show it to Milo! But don't let his fingers get too close... (If you're looking for closure, the tide came in and as far as I know, the crab survived another day.)

These little crabs are much safer. Milo was far less hesitant in trying to poke the tiny ones. Too fast and the tide's coming in.

A great afternoon at the beach. And about a minute later, we're back at home hosing Milo down and opening a beer. Heaven.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

He's seriously the cutest person alive. Really. Shiloh Pitt-Jolie looks like a has-been compared to this child.

9:54 AM


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