Feelin' Genki

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Long Weekend at the Beach

Aah, the long weekends of summer. Here in Vancouver, we get three: July 1, August 1, and the Labour Day weekend of September 5. So I guess it's two down, one to go.

Our most recent one was a resounding success. The weather was hot and sunny and we had ferry reservations so no lineup hassles.

(Aah, remember the days when you didn't need reservations? When the government ran the ferries as if it were a necessary part of the highway system and the only access to the rest of Canada for several hundred thousand residents? Now, we get privatization, corporate control, and the fleecing of the taxpayers who built the damn thing.)

But I digress. A couple hours up the highway lies Miracle Beach, and Milo's Gramma and Poppa. Comfy beds, sandy beaches, and a couple of eager babysitters.

And, of course, plenty of photo ops for the boy. Water, sand, sun, and a shell full of seawater. What could be better?


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