Aaw, look how big his little mouth is getting!
Feelin' Genki
Milo is the Greek word for apple and he sure loves them. They're starting to fall from the trees around here and he's become quite the little ground forager. Whenever I pick him up from the babysitter (her neighbour's apple and plum trees hang over the fence) he's got one in his hands and is happily gnawing away. Man, he gets mad when you try to take them away from him. So I don't.
Man O man, Blogger's been naughty today. Anyway, last weekend we went to visit some friends and their boys, Owen and Nolan. (It's like Walker and Texas Ranger for hockey fans.) These two kids are the source of many boxes of second-hand baby clothes. That makes it time for another list:
Maybe I should make this into a list:
Yup, it was just about perfect. Milo got to play in kiddy pools and a sprinkler, his friend Harris came to visit, we went to the park and on lots of walks, he ate watermelon, pears, and plums, his naps were long, and he was in superhappy adorable mode the whole weekend. Mommy and Daddy even got some good snuggling time too, plus some lounging-around-drinking-beer time.
As I've mentioned before, a web site in Hungary is having an online vote to name a new bridge. Stephen Colbert, Hero, went from under 2000 votes to more than 400,000 in one day -- and the votes are still coming!
Here's a set-it-and-forget-it program to aid with the bridge campaign. I've written it in C++ to ensure that it'll run on all machines without the download of additional dependencies. Note that C++ isn't my language of choice, so a bug or two may have slipped under my radar. If problems arise, I'll try to fix them in a timely fashion. (12KB download)
Instructions: Unzip it, run it!
All right, comment spammers, you've forced me to do it.
Anonymous said...Jerk. Like I need YOUR validation, monkey-bot. BOOKMARKED... NOT! DELETED!
Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.
Anonymous said...Ha! Your grammar sucks! And so do your links! DELETED!
Here are some links that I believe will be interested
Anonymous said..."A useful information for beginners?" Sure, here's a tip: Turn on comment verification to help rid your site of scum! DELETED!
Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.
Anonymous said...Oh, I need some more pictures, do I? Clearly you spent some time evaluating my site before posting. And you "will return in the near future?" Don't threaten me, ya little weenie-bot! And just to show that I'm NOT nice, up yours! FIRST MOCKED, THEN DELETED!
Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.
Anonymous said...Not brief enough. DELETED!
I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.
Anonymous said...Yeah, you wish. You wish you had a life and a brain too. DELETED!
This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.
Anonymous said...Meh. Just plain crap. DA-CHEATED.
Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.
Anonymous said...Like I said, don't threaten me, bot-tard! Go find some other place to peddle your steaming piles of crap-links. DELETED!
Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.
Milo went to his friend Harris' birthday party on the weekend. We all had a great time and Harris, who's about a month younger than Milo but is ahead by 3 on the teeth count, was supercute.
Okay, the site has been fixed. What site? The site in Hungary where you can vote for the name of a bridge.
Well, not so much "attack" as "encounter." FYI, this post has nothing to do with the Roger Corman movie of the same name, I'm clearly just taking advantage of the exploitative title to captivate and titilate my readers. (And so I can say "titilate" more than once.)
Aah, the long weekends of summer. Here in Vancouver, we get three: July 1, August 1, and the Labour Day weekend of September 5. So I guess it's two down, one to go.
This is Mom's new wallpaper at work. Milo is now safe from potential drowning, although the only water near him is the dog's water dish, which he usually dumps on his pants after splashing in it for a bit.
Comfy to sit in, while it's open. Probably a little cramped when it's closed. Sigh, I guess we can't check you as luggage.
Hmm... Blogger photos aren't working right now, and I'm supposed to be. Before I get too busy, here are some new Milo pics!
I haven't done a blog meme in months... and I was curious how this would turn out. Yup, I watched a lot of TV before the boy came along and I'm a bit embarrassed by my results -- way more shows than Craig Cheslog, from whom I took this meme, or Larry Kestenbaum, the guy Craig got it from. But I think I'm younger than them, I've had access to cable all my life, I've worked in the media industry and know people who worked on several of these shows, and I used to work in places where the TV was on constantly. Yikes. Plus my wife, sister, parents, and various housemates have had some say in the matter.